Up to 12 months warranty on all refurbishments. Contact us to learn more 

We've had so many wheels through our doors, we'd love to show you some of our favourites.

Refurnished Volkswagen alloy wheel in whiteRefurnished Volkswagen alloy wheel in whiteRefurnished Volkswagen alloy wheel in whiteRefurnished alloy wheel in goldRefurnished alloy wheel in goldRefurnished BMW split rim alloy wheel in gun metal grayRefurbished split rim that has not been assembledRefurnished BMW split rim alloy wheel in gun metal grayRefurbished split rim that has not been assembledRefurbished split rim that has not been assembledRefurnished BMW alloy wheel in gun metal gray with a diamond cut finishRefurnished BMW alloy wheel in gun metal gray with a diamond cut finishRefurnished BMW alloy wheel in gun metal gray with a diamond cut finish
Rolling Rims employee removing an alloy wheel from a Range Rover ready for alloy wheel refurbishment

Why Wait?

Rolling Rims makes alloy wheel refurbishment simple, offering collection from your door or in-store drop off.